Something New: Collaborative

For my collaborative piece, Grant, McNeill, and I created a series of three podcasts discussing our individual themes and how they connect to Humanities and Revolution as a whole. Each forty-five minute podcast is centered around one specific topic with questions connecting to class material as well as daily life. We decided not to edit the podcasts to prevent providing misguided information. By editing the podcasts, we would create a specific narrative and infuse our bias into the discussion. Therefore, we uploaded the podcasts in their original form.

After participating in the spring units and being sent to our respective homes due to the outbreak of coronavirus, Grant, McNeill, and I reconvened over Zoom to record a new, updated podcast discussing revolution in the wake of a global pandemic.

Happy listening!

Discussing Framing – Grant Hearne

Discussing Body Image – Skylar McVicar

Discussing Identity – McNeill Franklin

Updated video podcast YouTube link

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